Page 6 - KNG 2020 Issue 1 V5
P. 6

Life in Lockdown                                                          w

                                              FEATURE WRITER: JAMES LLOYD Y8

     In this article, I will be talking about   to play golf was hard at first but now I   skills! We are all having to find new
     how we all have had to adapt to life in   have made some simple but challenging   ways of communicating and new ways
     lockdown. I will also be covering some   tasks for me to do I am now managing to   of learning. Show My Homework is a
     subjects like Home Learning, how we can  get more time outdoors. The Kingsmead   great tool that we have, and you can be
     adapt to change and how we can find   PE department have made a challenge   set work and you can upload your work
     many new ways of communication in    list which they are setting for PE home   straight to the teacher. Last week, we had
     lockdown!                            learning, but it has some great ideas to   assessments, these we all set on SMHW
                                          keep fit and active.                  and you could do some of them straight
     To start off with, I hope you and your                                     in to SMHW as they were multiple choice
     families are all well. In these strange and   We all need to stay positive during these   questions. You also got feedback quickly
     unpredictable times, we all need to be   different times. So we all need to look on   on the Knowledge tests as SMHW worked
     there for each other, and some people   the bright side of that there will be an end   out the score for you in a percentage.
     may just need some one to talk to every   to all of this and that there will be an end   SMHW is also a great tool for receiving
     now and then. Recently I was added to   to the lockdown and in 5 years’ time, we   feedback from your teachers!
     a group chat, at first, I wondered what it   will all be remembering what we did in the
     was for, but I soon realised that it was   lockdown of 2020.  A good idea to help   As we are trying to fill all the time, we
     for help and a friendly chat with all my   stay positive, to may be write a diary of   need to find things to do that is not on our
     classmates. Group chats are a great way   all the good things that you have do each   electrical devices. There are many things
     to stay in touch with many people in these  day. You could keep hold of that diary to   that you can do. You could:
     troubled and strange times.  Even if you   possibly sow the next generation when
     do not want to be part of a huge group   they think that times are hard and when   -   Take up photography
     chat, you can still just phone up a friend   they think that the world is going to end.   -   Do some gardening
     and have a chat.                     Just show them that and tell them that       -   Learn life lessons
                                          you got through the lockdown and we          -   Take up new hobbies
     I would like to now go on to how setting   beat the coronavirus outbreak.  And then   -   Learn a new language
     up home learning has affected us all.   they will ask you what Corona was, and    -   Play sports in your back
     When the government announced that   they will not believe a word that you say.       garden
     they were to be closing schools, there                                            -   Play family board games
     was a lot of worry and tension around   In these times, many of us will have      -   Make your own games
     how we would cope and how we would   struggled with the change and we will
     do it. But Kingsmead staff and students   have struggled not seeing our friends. So,   I will finish as I started by hoping that you
     have been there, and we are ALL now   this is where the likes of you video chats   are all well and that you are all staying
     managing to teach, learn and socialise   and the group chats come in useful. You   in touch with friends and family. Even
     remotely. Kingsmead has set up virtual   can still see you friends by video chat.   though we cannot see our friends and
     coffee morning video calls for all to go   Even though you cannot see them in   family in person, but we can see them by
     on and I think this is a great idea!  Home   person, you can still see them virtually!  video link. Many people and families are
     learning has challenged us all but there is                                doing quiz nights over video connection,
     light at the end of the tunnel.      One thing that I am sure many of us have   these are good ideas so you can have
                                          struggled with is not being able to go   some competition and you can see your
     Every single person at Kingsmead is   outside the house and having to be stuck   family and friends.
     now having to adapt to change and we   in the house. Being stuck in the house
     are having to be there for each other.   can be a good thing as you can have a   There are many things that we can do to
     Adapting to change can be hard for some  move around in your bedroom so that it is   stay connected and scoliosis with friends
     people then others. This is because   more comfortable for home learning and   and family.
     some people like the routine that they are  you can also learn life skills like cooking   Quotes:
     normally in. But I am sure that we have   and daily around the house jobs.
     all found new routines to cope with these                                         -   We are distanced but we can
     changing and challenging times.      If you are struggling not being able to go       still be social.
                                          on days out, Chester Zoo are doing virtual
      In these challenging times, we all need   zoo days out. This is on their Facebook   -   There is light at the end of the
     to find new things to do so that we do   and YouTube – As linked below.           -   tunnel
                                                                                           Its going to be hard but hard
     not just sit around a look at our phones
     all day. So why do not you try something   Chester Zoo - Facebook                     does not mean impossible
     new, I have, I have made a challenge in my
     garden to do with golf. I play golf normally   Chester Zoo - You tube
     so being in lockdown and not being able   At home, we are ALL learning new

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