Page 317 - Library
P. 317


                                                 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

                                                                   S                               Level III Phase 2

          C.  ICT EQUIPMENT:  To procure Computers, SMART TV’s, CCTV Cameras,
          Laptops and Printers

               1.        Procurement  of         2020-         LIBRARY         735k      TRUS        Additional
          Procureme      desktop                  2022         INCOME           per         T        computer
            nt of 15     computer  units                                      year/                units for the
            units of     15 units  to be                                        15                installation of
          computers  used  for  the                           PRESIDEN         units                  e.library
                         e.Library                            T/BUDGET                             section, and
          (target: 20    section                                                                    1 computer
           units per                                               /                                  unit for

          campus for                                         LIBRARIAN                             selected ESU
            M,D & 1                                                S                               libraries (500
            unit for                                                                                and above
            selected                                                                                enrolment)
          libraries by

               2.        Procurement  of          2022         LIBRARY         180k      TRUS        Additional
          Procureme      Smart  TV,  55                        INCOME                       T        LIBRARY
              nt of      inch.                                                                     Services for
           Smart TV                                                                                the clienteles
            55 inch.                                          PRESIDEN

            3 units
          (PAG&CAN                                                 /

             UTO)                                            LIBRARIAN

               3.        Procurement  of          2020         LIBRARY         45k       TRUS        Complete
          Installation  1 set of CCTV                          INCOME                       T     installation of
            of CCTV                                                                                   Security

            for the                                                                                  Camera’s
           Library of                                         PRESIDEN                               within the
           Pagadian                                           T/BUDGET                               Pagadian
                                                                   /                                   library
                                                             LIBRARIAN                                vicinity

           4. Laptop     Procurement  of          2022         LIBRARY         50k       TRUS        Additional
            units, 2     laptop units for                      INCOME                       T        computer
              units      the library use                                                              units for


                      AREA VII – Library
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