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Selling Your Art Investment: Many people who pur-  Your very own Art Collection: You can start with "Your
            chase paintings don't sell them because they fell in   Very Personal Once in a Lifetime Art Installation". A once
            love with them. But a lot of paintings are auctioned be-  in a lifetime opportunity. It is absolutely limited and
            cause the owners believe the painting will fetch a good   cannot be repeated or replicated. So here you go: It has
            price. A fine art auction house will usually charge you   all what it takes to enjoy the beauty of art combined
            between 5% and 25% for the auction of your genuine   with investment potential.
            and valuable art piece. Fine art sold online fetches
                                       If you have an interest in Art and did not get the last bid
            much less on the do-it yourself internet auction sites.  I
                                       in an auction, you now can have the genuine next best
            While it can provide huge returns and stability during   art experience created by a master artist exclusively for
            boom times, the value of art can quickly plummet   you, performed on top of the solid foundation of a cen-
            during periods of recession. To get the best out of fine   tury old oil painting. You can own a 100-year-old piece
            art investment, don't sell during recession. The art   of art and experience the impression of the masterpiece
            market should be considered a long-term investment.  you always had the desire to enjoy and wanted to have
                                       i   o u r
                                       in your own possession.
            Comparing Returns over the Long Term: Art investors
            will always have to deal with uncertainty. As far as the
            investment goes, the value is in the resale value.  Let's   Buy only
            take Vincent van Gogh for example. The artist appar-
            ently only sold one painting during his lifetime. Howev-
            er, nearly 100 years later, one of his "Sunflowers,"
            which he painted, was sold at auction for almost one   Art creates conversations and encourages people to
            million dollars. Investors can learn more by looking at   think. Always purchase art that you like, as it will likely
            prices on auction houses and online databases like   remain in your home or office for many years.
            ARTNET. Popular art is heavily influenced by what sells.  Make sure you love the artwork you purchase.
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