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5. Paul Teutul Sr. and Paula Teutul –                                                 motorcycles can be a bridge between
     The  Turbulent  Ride  of  a  Custom                                                   two souls.
     Bike Builder

     Paul Teutul Sr., the founder of Orange
     County  Choppers  and  a  star  of
     American  Chopper,  was  married  to
     his  wife,  Paula,  for  several  years
     before they parted ways. The couple
     raised  four  children  together,
     including  Paul  Teutul  Jr.,  who
     followed in his father's footsteps as a
     bike builder.
     Paul Sr.'s marriage suffered due to the     7. Lorenzo Lamas and Shauna Sand           9.  David  and  Angie  Mann  –  The
     pressures of fame, business conflicts,      – Hollywood Heartthrob Meets the           Artist and His Muse
     and  personal  struggles.  The  intense    Motorcycle Scene                           D a v i d   M a n n ,   t h e   l e g e n d a r y
     drama  that  unfolded  on  American        Lorenzo Lamas, an actor famous for         motorcycle  artist  whose  paintings
     Chopper often hinted at the toll that      his  role  in  Renegade,  was  deeply      captured the essence of biker culture,
     his  work  took  on  his  relationships.   involved in the motorcycle scene. His      had a long and loving marriage with
     Though  their  marriage  ended  in         marriage to Shauna Sand was one of         his wife, Angie. Angie was not just his
     divorce, Paula remains an integral part    his  most  high-profile  relationships,     partner; she was his muse, inspiring
     of his life through their children and     attracting significant media attention.     many of his iconic artworks.
     family legacy.
                                                The  couple's  relationship  was           Their marriage was one of devotion,
                                                passionate  but  volatile,  with           with Angie supporting David's artistic
                                                numerous publicized disputes. Their        career  while  they  both  lived  and
                                                eventual  divorce  was  filled  with        breathed the biker lifestyle. Even after
                                                drama, but their time together remains     David's  passing  in  2004,  Angie
                                                a notable example of a Hollywood star      continued  to  preserve  his  legacy,
                                                embracing the biker lifestyle.             keeping  his  contributions  to
                                                                                           motorcycle culture alive.
                                                                                           Biker marriages are as legendary as
                                                                                           the  rides  themselves—filled  with
                                                                                           passion,  rebellion,  loyalty,  and
                                                                                           sometimes,  heartbreak.  From  Sonny
                                                                                           and Sharon Barger's outlaw love story
                                                                                           to  Billy  Lane  and  Eileen's  tale  of
     6. Richard and Cathy Rawlings – A                                                     redemption, these relationships have
     Love  Story  of  Fast  Cars  and                                                      left  a  lasting  mark  on  both  the
     Motorcycles                                8. Indian Larry and Bambi – The            motorcycle  community  and  beyond.

     Richard Rawlings, the famous face of       Spiritual  Connection  of  Custom          While  some  of  these  marriages
     Fast N' Loud, is known for his love of     Bike Legends                               endured and others ended in turmoil,
     both  motorcycles  and  cars.  His         Indian Larry, one of the most revered      each  tells  a  unique  story  of  love
     marriage  to  Cathy  Rawlings  was  a      custom  bike  builders,  shared  an        intertwined with the spirit of the open
     rollercoaster ride, filled with business    incredible connection with his wife,       road. LHR
     ventures and personal challenges.          Bambi.  Unlike  many  other  biker
     The  couple  married,  divorced,  and      marriages,  their  relationship  was
     remarried—a  rare  occurrence  in  the     deeply  rooted  in  mutual  respect,
     biker and gearhead world. Their on-        creativity,  and  a  shared  passion  for
     again,  off-again  relationship  made       motorcycles.
     headlines,  showcasing  their  deep        Bambi  was  by  Indian  Larry's  side
     connection  despite  their  differences.    through  his  rise  in  the  custom  bike
     Although they eventually parted ways       world, and she continued to honor his
     for good, their love story remains one     legacy after his tragic death in 2004.
     of  the  most  dramatic  in  the  biker    Their  bond  was  one  of  the  purest
     community.                                 expressions of love within the biker
                                                c o m m u n i t y,   s h o w i n g   t h a t

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 11                                                                                                         March 2025
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