Page 4 - March Edition 2025
P. 4
LHR Motorcycle the bond between a rider
Magazine – March and their bike is more
Edition: Editor’s than just mechanical – it’s
Welcome Message about freedom, passion,
and the open road. So, as
G r e e t i n g s , f e l l o w we roll into spring, let’s
motorcycle enthusiasts! celebrate what makes
motorcycling such a
In this edition, we dive unique and exciting
deep into the latest experience.Thank you for
m o t o r c y c l e t r e n d s , being a part of the LHR
f e a t u r i n g e x c l u s i v e Motorcycle Magazine Over 10,000 Page
reviews of the newest community. We hope this views per month
models hitting the market. month’s issue inspires
We also take a look at the you to keep riding,
best gear to keep you exploring, and pushing
safe and stylish on the the limits of what’s Best advertising rates in
road, with insights from possible.Stay safe, stay South Africa
top manufacturers and bold, and see you on the
riders alike. Plus, we’ve road!
got expert advice on bike Happy riding!
maintenance, travel tips
for your next adventure, L H R M o t o r c y c l e
and an inspiring feature Magazine**
on the rising stars of the
m o t o r c y c l e
community.We know that
digiads Magazines
* Graphic Design Ian van der Merwe
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LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 11 March 2025