Page 24 - March Edition 2025
P. 24
DJ Minx: Biker Hart’s Own Biker Hart Angel
For the past five years, Minks has their voices and music. Minks and Tarlton Raceway, where jet cars
been a beloved DJ, radio presenter, Gena often attend awards nights and raced for *Silent Soldiers*. Her
and anchor for *Biker Hart Radio*, new album releases, where they willingness to take on any challenge
where she has earned a reputation as interview the artists and offer insights and provide coverage for events and
a devoted and passionate voice into their careers. Some of the artists causes that matter most to the
within the biking community. While featured on their show have even community speaks to her unyielding
Minks maintains a full-time career, gone on to reach the top spot on the work ethic. No matter how big or
her dedication to others doesn’t stop Biker Hart hit parade, further small the event, Minks is there,
there. She also balances her work cementing Minks's role as an helping wherever she is needed, from
with motherhood, raising her teenage influential figure in the music and rallies to parties to charity events.
daughter, Strawberry, who keeps her radio world. Her impact extends far beyond her
on her toes.
local community. Minks has listeners
What truly sets Minks apart, however, Minks’s connection to the biking all over the world, broadcasting for
is her compassionate Hart, especially world runs deep. As a proud member bike clubs in places as far-flung as
for the elderly and children. She of the Boanerges MC Witbank Norway (with the Vikings), Alaska,
consistently focuses her charitable chapter, she also maintains strong Northern California, the UK, Russia,
efforts toward these groups, working relationships with bikers across the Germany, Australia, and Ireland. She
tirelessly to make a positive globe. However, her true spirit is seen h a s b e c o m e i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y
difference in their lives. But it is her in how she belongs to all bikers—no recognized for her work, and her
deep respect and admiration for matter their club or affiliation. Her name is known among bikers across
veterans that truly fuels her passion. work extends far beyond the continents.
Minks’s unwavering support for those airwaves, as Minks actively Over the years, Minks has been
who have served the country is addresses key issues facing the biker honored and recognized for her
evident through her work on Biker community and has conducted selfless contributions. Bike clubs
Hart Radio.
numerous interviews with figures have presented her with certificates
such as crime-fighter Mike Bolhuis and trophies as tokens of their
and high-ranking officers. Her ability appreciation, and she has received
Minks’s signature Sunday evening
program, The Golden Era of Music to bring together the voices of bikers a c c o l a d e s f r o m v e t e r a n s '
and Salute to Our Veterans, was and veterans has helped her become organizations for her continuous
born out of her love for both music a crucial bridge in the biking world, support. These honors are a
and honoring the sacrifices of making sure that their voices are testament to her tireless work and the
veterans. The three-hour show has heard and that their needs are positive impact she has made on the
become a staple of her broadcasting addressed. biking and veteran communities.
career, where she not only plays
classic tunes from bygone eras but Minks’s dedication to welfare work Minks’s story is one of passion,
also pays tribute to the brave men has earned her a reputation as the dedication, and selflessness.
and women who have fought for the "Biker Angel," a title that reflects her Whether she's broadcasting for
freedom bikers hold dear. The show selflessness and her constant veterans, showcasing new musical
is a gathering place for veterans, commitment to helping others. talents, or attending a rally, Minks
bikers, and their families, offering a W h e t h e r i t ’s a s s i s t i n g b i k e continues to be a beacon of light
space to relax, enjoy music, and clubs—large or small—with charity within the biker world. Through her
share stories. Minks’s warm, events, organizing advertising unwavering support and commitment
welcoming presence has made her a campaigns, or helping them to helping others, she has truly
household name in the biker broadcast their efforts, Minks does it earned the title of Biker Hart’s own
community, and her reputation all with a smile. Her work within the "Biker Hart Angel." Her impact is
precedes her wherever she goes.
community has made a significant undeniable, and the biker community
impact, and she is beloved by bikers is better for it. LHR
for her tireless devotion to improving
But Minks’s influence stretches far
beyond her veterans’ program. She their lives.
also plays a key role in *Your Voice
Our Stage*, a show she co-hosts One of Minks’s most remarkable
alongside her colleague Eugene feats was her broadcast from a
Swart, better known as "Gena." This Buffalo and a Ratel at the Tempe
program highlights the talents of up- Military Base for *Dogs of War*, and
and-coming singing artists, providing she has also broadcasted live at the
them with a platform to showcase
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 11 March 2025