Page 21 - CRONOS 2020
P. 21

Work in progress                                        Cronos

                     The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884),

                                                   Mark Twain

                                                                win over the people rule, there, a young man
                                                                who engaged friendship with Huck is killed
                                                                in a family revenge.

                                                                In a text bathed in the offensive word “nigger”,
                                                                the other version is reflected through the
                                                                dialogues between Jim and Huck. Fresh from
                                                                his mistress, who was going to sell it, Jim
                                                                finally says to himself: “Yes; In I’s rich now,
                                                                come to look at it. I owns mysef, in I’s wuth
                                                                eight hund’d dollars. I wish I had the money, I
                                                                wouldn’t ’want no mo’. ”
                 Image link:  Living on the raft, in an idea self-sufficiency,
          “     Human beings can be awful cruel to one          far  from  the social  order,  this  beautiful

                                                                friendship is born. Later, when Huck struggles
           With little history to speak of and little literary   with the southern ideology that demands him
                                                                to hand Jim over, he can only remember him
           tradition to anchor it in, 19th century writers      as a friend: “And got to thinking over our trip
           set about mirroring the rapidly changing             down the river; and I see Jim before me all
           and complex populations of their nation.             the time: in the day and in the night-time,
           One author led the way, setting his story in         sometimes moonlight, sometimes storms,
           the Mississippi Valley in the Midwest, with          and we a-floating along, talking and singing
           a white boy as the protagonist and narrator.         and laughing.
           Mark Twain recounts the adventures of
           Huckleberry Finn in a regional dialect, filled       But somehow I couldn’t seem to strike no
           with philosophical insights and wisdom, he           places to harden me against him, but only
           became one of the first and most important           the other kind. ” So by the time Tom Sawyer,
           authentic voices in American literature.             protagonist of Twain’s previous novel

                                                                enters the scene, Huckleberry’s emotional
           This work allowed the next generations of            development is almost complete.
           writers in the country to move literature from
           the New England colonies to their homeland,          Despite being branded “vulgar” when
           giving it local color and vernacular speech.         published in 1884, this book introduced a
           But the frankness of its protagonist is also         new style and color into American literature.
           notable. The novel was published after the           American voices ranged through novels like
           Civil War (1861-1865), but it is 40 or 50 years      The Grapes of Wrath and even much more
           earlier, when slavery still existed in the South     recent works like The Boys.
           and pioneers were looking for land in the
           West. Huck’s innocent thoughts reflect many          We are currently living in a situation where
           contradictions in American society.                  discrimination and racial abuse are affecting
                                                                our society, we have seen in the news how
           As the story begins, Huckleberry introduces          all African Americans are fighting not to be
           himself to readers as a supporting character in      mistreated and discriminated against. This
           an earlier Mark Twain novel, The Adventures          and many other works make us see that this
           of Tom Sawyer, giving the story credibility.         mistreatment of these people has always
                                                                existed, and we must remember that beyond
           Huck  pretends to  be  dead  fleeing  the            their race, they are people and deserve
           aggressiveness of his father and the people of       respect and justice.
           Missouri, and thus begins a boat trip through
           Mississippi, but he does not go alone, in the
           boat also Jim, a runaway slave. While they
           were advancing towards the south, when
           arriving at the shore, they realize that in
           reality in the towns the reality of a justice is
           lived in which criminal gangs and cheats who           Sarah Gómez
                                                                  Grado: Décimo

                                           Gimnasio Moderno Santa Barbara                                     21
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