Page 4 - 2022 PLSR Sponsor Brochure
P. 4
Donor Sponsorship..........
Donor Sp ons orship ..........
¾ Opportunity for exclusive branding of an event/ ¾ Business Name/Logo on PLS&R Website
night/performance/entertainer ¾ Business Name/Logo included with all media/
¾ Reserved table for 8 at PLS&R Kick-off Dance print advertising
(RSVP by 7/31/2022) ¾ 40 Rodeo General Admission Tickets
¾ Reserved table for 8 to Livestock Auction & ¾ 40 BBQ Cook-off General Admission Tickets
Luncheon (RSVP Required) ¾ Eight Sponsor Badges
¾ 5x20 Super Banner ¾ Eight Silver Spur Club Memberships
¾ Two 2x5 Arena Signs ¾ Four VIP Reserved Parking Passes
¾ :30 Commercial Spot played multiple times each ¾ Entry to President’s Reception
rodeo performance (ad provided by sponsor) ¾ Participation in Rodeo Grand Entry (RSVP Required)
¾ Full Page Ad Inside Rodeo Program Book ¾ Participation in Rodeo Parade (float provided by sponsor)
(deadline 8/3/2022)
¾ 8 Tickets to PLS&R Kick-off Dance ¾ Business Name/Logo included with most media/
(RSVP by 7/31/2022) print advertising
¾ Reserved table for 8 to Livestock Auction & ¾ 20 Rodeo General Admission Tickets
Luncheon (RSVP Required) ¾ 20 BBQ Cook-off General Admission Tickets
¾ 5x20 Super Banner ¾ Six Sponsor Badges
¾ Two 2x5 Arena Signs ¾ Six Silver Spur Club Memberships
¾ :30 Commercial Spot played multiple times each ¾ Three VIP Reserved Parking Passes
rodeo performance (ad provided by sponsor) ¾ Entry to President’s Reception
¾ Full Page Ad Inside Rodeo Program Book ¾ Participation in Rodeo Grand Entry (RSVP Required)
(deadline 8/3/2022) ¾ Participation in Rodeo Parade (float provided by sponsor)
¾ Business Name/Logo on PLS&R Website
¾ 4 Tickets to PLS&R Kick-off Dance ¾ 10 Rodeo General Admission Tickets
(RSVP by 7/31/2022) ¾ 10 BBQ Cook-off General Admission Tickets
¾ Invitation to Livestock Auction & Luncheon ¾ Four Sponsor Badges
(RSVP Required) ¾ Four Silver Spur Club Memberships
¾ Two 2x5 Arena Signs ¾ Two VIP Reserved Parking Passes
¾ :30 Commercial Spot played each rodeo ¾ Entry to President’s Reception
performance (ad provided by sponsor) ¾ Participation in Rodeo Parade (fl oat provided by sponsor)
¾ Full Page Ad Inside Rodeo Program Book
(deadline 8/3/2022)