Page 94 - WCP Gala Program flip book
P. 94
Sally Flanagan, M.Ed. TCNJ President Health and Exercise Science AlumniChapter
Over the past 50 years, the Health and Exercise Science recreational and team sports took place, memories were
Department has offered undergraduate and graduate created, and lasting friendships were made with fellow
programs in Health and Physical Education, Recreation, classmates. This year is especially important as we
Safety and Exercise Science. Many of those students that celebrate the 50 Anniversary of our School of Nursing,
were enrolled in these programs went on to become highly Health, and Exercise Science. It does not matter if you are a
recognized school educators and administrators, medical graduate from years past or a recent graduate, your life was
and health care professionals and administrators, public significantly impacted by this department and the faculty
health professionals and community service leaders in both and staff that helped you to reach your fullest potential and
the private and public sectors. Working at the local, achieve your goals in life.
county, state and federal levels these individuals made
great strides in the fields of Health and Exercise Science It is an honor and pleasure to serve as the President of the
because of their academic endeavors and accomplishments HES Alumni Chapter and to represent all of these
at TSC/TCNJ. Packer Hall was their home where classes outstanding graduates. Thank you for all your support over
were held, learning took place, advisement and support the years to the HES Department and I hope that you will
from faculty occurred, academic clubs wereheld, continue to stay connected and engaged with the HES