Page 11 - C:\Users\LENOVO\Documents\Flip PDF Professional\E-MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK GURU\
P. 11

5.       Viewing                  Ability  to  understand,  use,  and

                                                 reflect  on  visual  texts  according

                                                 to their goals and interests.

               6.       Presenting               Ability  to  convey ideas fluently,

                                                 accurately,  and  accountably  in  a

                                                 communicative  manner  through

                                                 various  media  (visual,  digital,

                                                 and               audiovisual)                   and

                                                 understandable                 to       listeners.

                                                 Delivery            in       speaking            and

                                                 presenting  needs  to  be  arranged

                                                 and  developed  according  to  the

                                                 needs  or  characteristics  of  the


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