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P. 19
• Analyze and conclude the meaning of social
functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of
spoken text in the form of reports contextually,
critically, creatively, and politely related to the topic
of humans, flora, and fauna with an optimal level of
fluency and accuracy.
• Analyze, conclude meaning, and evaluate social
functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of
spoken and written texts in reports critically,
creatively, and honestly related to humans, flora, and
fauna by the context of its use with an optimal level
of fluency and accuracy.
• Design written texts and presenting orally to readers
in the form of reports related to the topic of humans,
flora, and fauna by paying attention to social
functions, text structure, and linguistic elements
according to the context in a polite, critical, creative,
and independent manner with an optimal level of
fluency and accuracy.