Page 5 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 5

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021                                                                            3

                                                                                   President’s Message

           On behalf of the Management Committee, I am                         Malaysian life insurers have been
           honoured to present the Life Insurance Association                  visionary  in  mitigating  the  impact
                                                                               of COVID-19 by tailoring policies
           of Malaysia (LIAM) Annual Report for 2021.                          and  offering  flexibility  to  customers.
                                                                               With the strong support of the LIAM
           The past year remained challenging as people                        Management Committee and its
           the world over continued to grapple with the                        16-member companies, we showed
                                                                               solidarity in helping Malaysians cope
           devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.                        with the pandemic.

           We in Malaysia have not been spared from the                        Individual  insurers  introduced
           adverse effects of the pandemic either. The anguish                 various schemes by way of financial
           and anxiety of fellow Malaysians, following the                     assistance and relief measures to
                                                                               aid policyholders and ease financial
           debilitating impact on livelihoods and healthcare                   pressures on the rakyat while ensuring
           especially, are of great concern to us.                             they  are  continuously  covered  with
                                                                               insurance protection.
           Despite being hit by the unprecedented challenges                   I am proud to say that LIAM has learnt
           of the pandemic, last year has been a fulfilling one                a lot from the COVID-19 crisis. With
           for the Malaysian insurance industry. In times like                 the  rakyat’s wellbeing in mind, we
           this when the environment calls for it, we tread with               rose to the challenge by formulating
                                                                               robust business continuity plans
           caution and compassion in making sure we offer the                  and strategies, as well as innovative
           best services for our valued customers.                             thinking in adapting to the new normal.

           The waves of COVID-19 afflictions which started in                  I am pleased to share the industry’s
           late 2019 indeed crippled countries globally.                       activities for the year 2021.
           Fortunately, the Malaysian government and our                       industry PerforMance
           Ministry of Health have been unrelenting in their                   Despite the challenging business
           efforts to implement various proactive measures                     environment due to the pandemic,
           and incentives for the rakyat, enabling the latter to               for   the   financial   year   ending
           cope with the financial, mental, and social impact of               December 2021, the life insurance
                                                                               industry recorded an overall stronger
           the pandemic.                                                       performance with a double-digit growth
                                                                               of 12.4% as compared to 2020. The
           The successful roll-out of the COVID-19 Vaccination                 industry recorded RM12.8 billion in new
           Programme was followed by the subsequent                            business total premiums from RM11.4
           provision of booster shots to increase the immunity                 billion in 2020, while new business sum
                                                                               assured grew by 5.4% from RM437.2
           levels of the population against new COVID-19                       billion in 2020 to RM461.1 billion in
           variants.                                                           2021.

           The authorities also exercised prudence and                         New policies issued in 2021 amounted to
                                                                               1.9 million policies, an increase of 53.5%
           foresight in reopening the economic sectors in the                  from 1.2 million policies in 2020. This
           later part of the year, paving the way for the National             was contributed by the introduction of
           Recovery Plan and transition to an endemic phase.                   the Perlindungan Tenang Voucher (PTV)
                                                                               programme in September 2021.
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