Page 71 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 71

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021                                                                            69

                                                    PERFoRmancE oF thE liFE insuRancE industRy
                                                                               liFE insuRancE BusinEss

           new Business – new Policies

            Type                                                  January to December
                                              2020                     2021                    growth
            Traditional                      583,657                 1,165,423                  99.7
            Investment-Linked                618,884                  691,327                   11.7

            group                             19,505                  19,502                    0.0
            Total                           1,222,046                1,876,252                  53.5

           total BusinEss in FoRcE

           The total in force premiums rose to RM46.8 billion, an increase of 8%, in 2021 as compared to RM43.4 billion in 2020. Investment-
           linked policies registered a growth of 14.2% in total in force premiums to reach RM26.3 billion while group policies and traditional
           policies recorded a growth of 5.5% and 0.6%, respectively.

           in Force Premiums

            RM Million/ Type                                      January to December
                                              2020                     2021                    growth
            Traditional                       16,289                  16,388                    0.6
            Investment-Linked                 23,064                  26,338                    14.2

            Annuity                            475                     363                      -23.7
            group                             3,541                    3,734                    5.5
            Total                             43,369                  46,823                    8.0

           The sum assured in force grew by 5.6% amounting to RM1,779.5 billion in 2021 compared to RM1,685.8 billion in 2020.

           The sum assured in force of investment-linked policies registered a strong growth of 9.9% from RM765.1 billion in 2020 to reach
           RM841 billion in 2021. group policies registered a moderate increase of 3.4% while traditional policies recorded a slight drop of
           0.7% as compared to the previous year.

           sum assured in Force

            RM Million/ Type                                      January to December
                                              2020                     2021                    growth
            Traditional                      327,814                  325,396                   -0.7
            Investment-Linked                765,072                  840,989                   9.9

            Annuity                            390                     365                      -6.3
            group Policies                   592,488                  612,710                   3.4
            Total                           1,685,764                1,779,460                  5.6
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