Page 89 - LIAM Annual Report 2021
P. 89

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021                                                                            87

           Roll oF honouR 1974-2021


                           1974-1980                     1993-1996                      2009-2011

                       the late yBhg. dato’          alex Foong soo hah             allahyarham Encik md
                       n.a. kularajah                British American Life Insurance      adnan md Zain
                       Malaysian Cooperative         Bhd (currently known as        MCIs Zurich Insurance Berhad
                       Insurance society (currently   Manulife Insurance Berhad)    (currently known as MCIS
                       known as MCIS Insurance                                      Insurance Berhad)
                           1980-1984                 Ezamshah ismail
                                                     American Malaysian Life        mohd din merican
                       the late goh cheong hua       Assurance sdn Bhd (currently   Etiqa Insurance Berhad
                       The Asia Life Assurance       known as Sun Life Malaysia     (currently known as Etiqa Life
                       society Ltd (currently known   Assurance Berhad)             Insurance Berhad)
                       as Tokio Marine Life Insurance
                       Malaysia Bhd.)
                                                         1999-2002                      2012-2015

                           1984-1986                 yBhg. datuk l. meyyappan       vincent kwo
                                                     MCIs Insurance Berhad          Uni.Asia Life Assurance Berhad
                       steve wong                                                   (currently known as Gibraltar
                       British American (Malaysia)                                  BSN Life Berhad)
                       Insurance Bhd (currently known      2002-2004
                       as Manulife Insurance Berhad)
                                                     k. h. chia                         2015-2018
                                                     hong Leong Assurance Berhad
                           1986-1989                                                toi see Jong
                                                                                    Tokio Marine Life Insurance
                       amarudin tajuldin                 2004-2006                  Malaysia Bhd.
                       Arab-Malaysian Eagle
                       Assurance Bhd (currently      Ezamshah ismail
                       known as AmMetLife Insurance   Commerce Life Assurance Bhd       2018-2019
                       Berhad)                       (currently known as Sun Life
                                                     Malaysia Assurance Berhad)     anusha thavarajah
                                                                                    AIA Bhd.
                       hashim ismail                                                       2019
                       American International        ng lian lu
                       Assurance Co. Ltd. (currently   AmAssurance Berhad (currently      loh guat lan
                       known as AIA Bhd.)            known as AmMetLife  Insurance   hong Leong Assurance Berhad


                       yBhg. dato’ annuar senawi                                                  2021
                       Malaysia National Insurance
                       sdn Bhd (currently known as
                       Etiqa Life Insurance Berhad)
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94