Page 24 - Workbook-Inter-Mid-Unit 10-R0-FP_Neat 031218
P. 24

                                                  IM, Unit 10

                        ?ּפֹו ִקימֹו ִנים ְב ָּכל ָּמקֹום?

                First listen to the text – see how much you can understand.

Now Listen to the vocabulary and try to fill in the blanks in

      English   ?עברית?             English       ?עברית?
to make                 6 game
makes (m. sg.)                                                                                       1
                            to play                                                                  2
for instance            7 to hunt                                                                    3
robber(s)                   hunting (m. pl.)
to enjoy                8 creature(s)                                                                5
enjoy (m. pl.)          9 to find
                            finding themselves

                       10 strange

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              RA .? העתקה והפצה אסורים?,? כל שימוש?.?אור?-?כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן?
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