Page 5 - NL2020-unit 7_Neat-WORKBOOK 200622
P. 5

Novice Low 13 Unit 7

Listen to the following audio. While you listen, fill in the
missing words

Chana:                  English                       ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬

Seller:  Good evening!                       ‫________ טֹוב! א ִני רֹוצה ק ֶפה‬
Chana:   I want (f) coffee please!                                   !‫ְׂבבקׁשה‬
Seller:  OK! Five shekels
Chana:                                          !‫ְׂבס ֶדר! ________ ְׁׂשק ִלים‬
Chana:   And I also want (f) a chocolate      ‫וא ִני רֹוצה ________ ְׂקרּואסֹון‬
         croissant. How much is it now?        ?________ ‫ׁשֹוקֹולד! כמה ֶזה‬
Seller:                                              – ‫ק ֶפה ּו ְׂקרּואסֹון ׁשֹוקֹולד‬
Chana:   Coffee and a chocolate croissant
Seller:  – 16 shekels.                       .‫________ ________ ְׁׂשק ִלים‬
                                                        ?‫ְׂוכמה ה ְׂקרּואסֹון ו ִניל‬
         And how much for the vanilla
         croissant?                          .‫________ ________ ְׁׂשק ִלים‬

         12 shekels.

         Okay. I don't want (f) a chocolate  ‫ א ִני ל ֹא ________ ְׂקרּואסֹון‬.‫ְׂבס ֶדר‬
         croissant. I want (f) a vanilla       .‫ א ִני רֹוצה ְׂקרּואסֹון ו ִניל‬.‫ׁשֹוקֹולד‬
         croissant. How much is it?                             ?________ ‫כמה‬

         Coffee and a vanilla croissant –              – ‫ ק ֶפה ּו ְׂקרּואסֹון ו ִניל‬,‫אה‬
         17 shekels.                           .‫________ ________ ְׁׂשק ִלים‬

         Here you go, 17 shekels.                  . ‫ ִׁש ְׂבעה עשר ְׁׂשק ִלים‬,‫ְׂבבקׁשה‬

         Thank you! Goodbye!                 !________ !‫תֹודה‬

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