Page 24 - NL-2020-Unit 11_Neat 060722
P. 24

                         NL, Unit 11

Now, check yourself:                  )‫ ִעם‬,‫ ב‬,‫ִלשתֹות ( ֶּאת‬
                                      )‫ ִעם‬,‫ ב‬,‫ִלקנֹות ( ֶּאת‬
 To drink
                                        )‫ִלראֹות ( ֶּאת‬
 To buy                                )‫ ב‬,‫ַל ֲעׂשֹות ( ֶּאת‬

 To see                                  )‫ַל ֲענֹות (ל‬
                                        )‫ ַעל‬,‫ִלהיֹות (ל‬
 To do

 To answer

 To be
  To be or not to be ….

To help you in learning and enhancing your experience, now
watch cute videos demonstrating the joint use of helping verbs
with infinitives. Then do the assignments, as instructed in the

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