Page 44 - NL-2020-Unit 11_Neat 060722
P. 44

                         NL, Unit 11

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                   English                    ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
                                            ?‫ַא ָׁתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶּאת ַה ַמד ִריְך‬
Do you like the guide?
                                                ?‫ַא ָׁתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶּאת ַה ַנ ָׁהג‬
Do you like the driver?               ?‫ַא ָׁתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶּאת ַה ָׁק ֶּפה ב ִיׂש ָׁר ֵּאל‬

Do you like the coffee                ?‫ַא ָׁתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶּאת ָׁה ֹא ֶּכל ב ִיׂש ָׁר ֵּאל‬
in Israel?                              ?‫ַא ָׁתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶּאת ָׁה ֹא ֶּכל ַב ָׁצ ָׁבא‬
Do you like the food in Israel?

Do you like the food in the army?

            When we want to specify something – for instance, say that we
            like or love something specific, we would add the word ET
            HA___ before the noun.

In order to create a question, just change the intonation. The sentence is
the same.

Do you like the Madrikh (instructor)? = ATA OHEV ET HA’MADRIKH?

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