Page 74 - NL-2020-Unit 11_Neat 060722
P. 74


Now listen to the audio and check yourself

Person           English                             ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
 Yoel                                                          ‫ ַאת‬,‫אֹור ִלי‬
        Orly, do you want to go
 Orly   to my house in Canada               ‫רֹו ָׁצה ִלנ ֹס ַע ַל ַב ִית ֶּש ִלי ב ָׁק ָׁנ ָׁדה‬
        in August?                                              ?‫באֹוגּוסט‬
        OK, why not?                                       ?‫ ָׁל ָׁמה ל ֹא‬.‫טֹוב‬
        Yoel, do you want to                                   ‫ ַא ָׁתה‬,‫יֹו ֵּאל‬
        go to my house?
                                                   ?‫רֹו ֶּצה ִלנ ֹס ַע ַל ַב ִית ֶּש ִלי‬
Yoel What? To your house?
                                                          ?‫ָׁמה? ַל ַב ִית ֶּש ָׁלְך‬
          Yes, to my house in
Orly Tel-Aviv.                                               ‫ ַל ַב ִית ֶּש ִלי‬,‫ֵּכן‬
                                                               .‫ ָׁא ִביב‬-‫ב ֵּתל‬
          Yes, sure.                                             .‫ ֶּב ַטח‬,‫ֵּכן‬
Yoel I want to go.
                                                          .‫ֲא ִני רֹו ֶּצה ִלנ ֹס ַע‬
          Great. My mother                                       ‫ ִא ָׁמא‬.‫ֹי ִפי‬
Orly wants to invite you for
                                                        ‫ֶּש ִלי רֹו ָׁצה ל ַהז ִמין‬
          Shabbat.                                           .‫אֹותָך ל ַש ָׁבת‬
          Really? Cool...
                                                           .‫ֶּבא ֶּמת? ַאח ָׁלה‬

Now watch the video again and get prepared to act it out.
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