Page 30 - Tzahal Museum-inter-HTML5
P. 30
30 Track 8
The Ministers of Defense and Chiefs of Staff
Pavilion (Pavilion No. 6)
The IDF is indeed a big and complex organization but it's
composed of people. This pavilion is designed exactly for them.
It's possible to find here the names of all the ministers of defense
and chiefs of staff of Israel since it was established.
There's a lot of information here – every person has a special
place with a description of his history, and of course – photos,
many photos. It's also possible to see display cabinets with
display gifts received by important personages like these – a tiny
Bible, a kippah, knives, sculptures, and many stones. It's
interesting (to see) if you (pl.) will recognize some of these
personages, and if you will be able to say which of them was the
most popular, charismatic or beloved of all.
*Take notice of a very special photo which, if you (pl.) look at it
from three different angles, you will see three different people –
these three are special people in the history of Israel – Moshe
Dayan, Haim Bar-Lev and Yitzhak Rabin.
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העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן