Page 4 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (26-12-17) Low Inter Level
P. 4

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                            Item #1 (Low-Intermediate Level)

                         Now listen again and check your answers.

                         Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

                                   Talking Dictionary   טָל ְקֻמ םיִל ִמ רַצֹו–        א

             English                             תירבע        English                             תירבע

             to give up                   )    לֵעפ ( ִּ   ר ֵתַוְּל  6    company,       תֹורָבֲח ,ה ָר ְּב ֶח  1
             give up (m. pl.)                  םי ִּר ְּתַו ְּמ  companies

                                                                                                די ִּס ְּפ ַהְּל
                                                              to lose
             to come out                 )    לַעפ ( ָ   תא ֵצָל  7                             )    לי ִּע ְּפה ( ִּ  2
                                                              loses (f. sg.)
                                                                                                ה ָדי ִּס ְּפ ַמ
             to stop                      )    לַעפ ( ָ   רֹצֲעַל  8    to fire             )    לֵעפ   ר ( ִּ   ֵ טַפְּל  3

             for                                 לי ִּב ְּש ִּב  9    to shut down          )    לַעפ ( ָ   רֹג ְּסִּל  4
             to fight                  )    לַעפִּנ ( ְּ   ם ֵחָל ִּהְּל     10  factory, factories    ,לָע ְּפ ִּמ  5

             fighting (m. pl.)                 םי ִּמ ָחְּלִּנ                                   םיִּלָע ְּפ ִּמ

                                          Page  4        -        Edition 12-26-17
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