Page 47 - IDF eCur IM unit 4 211119 english
P. 47


                                                        IM-Unit 4

                                   Articles from the E-Tone™

                                               בוּש תוֹשָג ְפִנ תוֹמוֹא ְת ַה

                                         First listen to the text – see how much you can

                                         Now Listen to the vocabulary and try to fill in the blanks
                                         in Hebrew.

            to exchange                                   6    couple                                       1
            exchange (m. pl.)

            to suggest                                    7    orphanage                                    2
            suggest (m. pl.)

            to test                                       8    to realize                                   3
            test (n.)                                         realize (m. pl.)
            to overcome                                   9    birth date                                   4

            difficulty                                    10  identical                                     5
            language barrier                                  identical twins

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                                     RA IDF    םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה ,שומיש לכ ..  רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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