Page 3 - Workbook-AL-U1-RC-new-021618-V242
P. 3
AL, Unit 1
םילימ רצוא - ןר ק לבינ
. רופיס וא םיטפשמ ןתיא ורצו םילימ 10 ורחב . תירבעה תא ואלמ : המישמ
became a fighter
commando unit
a company that's worth 5 billion
to decide, he decided
to leave everything
to immigrate (to Israel), immigration
until his immigration
to manage, he managed
according to him
the sky is the limit
at a certain stage
to quit (a job), he quit
to the great surprise of...
to enlist, to be drafted, he was drafted
new recruit, one of the recruits
sends donations (f. sing.)
the affair of ____ with ________
tasks, missions
the unit and its tasks
to cut, I cut
to hang, I hung
to stay as a guest, stayed as a guest (m. sg.)
to admire, I admired
to fulfill a dream, fulfilled his dream (m. sg.)
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