Page 14 - dialogues 2017 ebook-unit 5_Neat-HTML5
P. 14
Act Out 14
Dialogues – Unit 5
Daniel: Hello, I’m looking for elegant pants and a shirt.
Oh, excellent! We have elegant clothes on an a-m-a-z-i-n-g sale! Here,
over here you have elegant pants for only 300 shekels, and an a-m-a-z-i-
n-g shirt for 250 shekels.
Tali: 300 shekels for pants and 250 shekels for a shirt? That’s an a-m-a-z-i-n-g
sale? That’s very expensive!
Daniel: Expensive? What are you talking about? This is an excellent firm. You
Tali: can wear this shirt for five years.
Ummm… That’s not so certain. I have a few clothes from your store.
Seller: One load of laundry, and they shrink.
Daniel: Honey, our clothes don’t shrink. Maybe you’re growing fat?
Seller: Hey, my cousin isn’t fat! Come, Tali, we’re getting [going] out of here.
Tali: Ok, Tali, I think I give up.
Daniel: What (do you mean) give up? After one store?! Men… Here, there’s a
Daniel: store here with pretty clothes for men.
Daniel: Hello. Do you have elegant shirts and pants for men?
Seller: Yeah, sure. Here. How is this shirt?
It’s pretty… How much does it cost?
Tali: 100 shekels, it’s on sale.
Tali: Tali, what do you say?
It’s pretty, elegant, and not very expensive. I say go for it.
If Tali says (so) – I’m going for it. Do you also have size 44 pants?
Yes. Here are pants in a size 44. Do you want to try (them) on?
Yes, thank you. Well, Tali, how is it?
They’re pretty, but a little big. Do you have a belt?
Yes, I have a belt. Ok, so I want the shirt and pants. Do you also have
No, we don’t. But there’s an outlet on the first floor in the mall. There
are pretty and inexpensive dresses over there.
Excellent! Let’s go there, Danny.
Just a minute, I need to pay.
Right… Sorry. When I hear: “outlet for dresses” I forget everything,
even to pay.
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