Page 47 - IDF eCur NM unit 9 english 051119
P. 47
NM, Unit 9
Moving from Infinitives to Present Tense
Let’s now get to know additional verbs in Binyan Pa’al - Group 3.
Fill in the chart following the example. Listen to the audio to check your answers
תוֹב ַר םי ִב ַר הָב ֵקְנ רָכָז לַע ֹפ ם ֵש
Pl. fem. Pl. masc. Sing. Fem. Sing. Masc. Infinitive
To drink
תוֹתוֹש םי ִתוֹש ה ָתוֹש ה ֶּתוֹש תוֹתּ ְשִל 1 .
To buy תוֹנ ְקִל 2 .
To build תוֹנב 3 . ְ ִל
To cry תוֹכב 4 . ְ ִל
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