Page 9 - Workbook-Inter-Mid-Unit 7-RA-FP_Neat
P. 9

                                                      Intermediate-Med, Unit 5

                       ? המחזת הסיטואציה?:?פעילות מסכמת בכיתה?

     Exercise 7: In pairs, translate the situation into Hebrew row by row. Together,
     try to think of a solution. Then present the situation and the solution in front of
     your classmates.

1 Adina tells:

    Every summer, my husband and I go
2 [travel] on a ten day vacation, usually up

    north to the Galilee.

3 We have three children.
    Two of them are already grown up [lit.

4 big], and in the recent years they don't
    join us.
    We have a younger daughter, five years

5 old, that everyone loves and spoils.
6 Her name is Yifat.

    Last year we left her at (her)
7 grandmother's and we traveled alone.

    This year we decided to take her with us
8 on vacation.

    Grandma isn't feeling so well, and we
    thought we'd enjoy spending time with
    our daughter on Kinneret beach, and that
9 she will have the opportunity to change
    the routine and see places she hasn't seen
    Already from the first moment of the
10 decision, disappointment and problems

    When I told her that we are taking her on
11 vacation, I expected that she will be very

    happy, but she didn't look so happy.

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                                   RA .? העתקה והפצה אסורים?,? כל שימוש?.?אור?-?כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן?
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