Page 57 - Inter-Mid-Unit-2-RB-V24101-080716
P. 57

                Intermediate-Mid, Unit 2

Abulafia House

In this house lives a young author. The name of the author is Yosef
Chachkess. The author likes to sit on the balcony and write books. One day,
when the author is sitting on the balcony and writing, he sees a pretty
young (lady) in the opposite house. This young (lady) is Rabbi Shlush’s
granddaughter. The author loves the young woman, and every day he sits
on the balcony, writes and looks. Rabbi Shlush sees Yosef looking upon his
granddaughter. He asks him: “What do you work in?” and Yosef answers:
“I’m an author.” Rabbi Shlush is in shock: “An author? An author is not
work. An author can not get married to my granddaughter.”

Yosef Chachkess is very sad. In order to not be sad, he writes a book about
the neighborhood. The name of the book is “Tmol Shilshom” (literally:
fore-time). Many people read this book and like it very much.

Yosef writes more and more books, and people like his books. After many
years, Yosef changes his name to S.Y Agnon.

All [the] Israelis, and many people in the world, know who S.Y. Agnon is.
All the students study S.Y. Agnon’s books at school. After many years,
S.Y. Agnon receives a Nobel Prize.

So what do you think, Rabbi Shlush? Maybe an author is work?

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