Page 58 - IH-Unit 1-RG-V24101-10072016
P. 58
Binyan Pa’al, Group 1, Subgroup 2
Exercise: Act out the dialogue in Hebrew while looking at the English
text. Use other names than in the original dialogue when acting out.
Story - Will the Train Help us?
Shelley: Sharon, how great! The light train will work in August.
Sharon: I’m a little skeptical. I’m not sure that it will really work this [close] August.
I’m not sure it will work next August as well.
Shelley: Sharon, really! Think good, it will be good.
Sharon: Okay. I’ll think good, it will be good. The train will work in August. So what?
Shelley: So what?! Oh, Sharon, it will be good to ride on the train! Very good!
Sharon: Why?
Shelley: First [thing], on the train there is a lot [a lot] of room, and everyone can sit. We
won’t stand the whole way, like on the bus.
Sharon: Right. On the train there really is room for everyone, and no one will stand.
Shelley: Second [thing], the train goes faster than the bus. I’ll come back [return] home
from work quickly, and you’ll come back home from work quickly as well.
Sharon: yes, that’s true. Everyone will come back home quickly, but…
Shelley: Third [thing], the train is big, beautiful and pleasant. The driver will work
happily, all of the passengers will feel good, and everyone will help everyone…
Sharon: Shelley, it’s just a train. It’s not [the] redemption. And also…
Shelley: And also what? But what? Sharon, really! Don’t you understand how much the
train will help us?
Sharon: No, I don’t understand, Shelley. And do you know why the train won’t help us?
Shelley: Why?
Sharon: First [thing], because the train doesn’t go [arrive] to our office, at Ulpan-Or.
And second [thing], because you and I always walk [by foot].