Page 15 - IDF eCur IL-Unit-10 english 121219
P. 15


                                                        IL, Unit 10

                                              םילימ רצוא לוגרתל תולאש

               Please translate the following questions into Hebrew and answer those in writing.

               It's best to practice asking the questions in Hebrew while reading them silently
               in English.

                                    English                                      Hebrew
                    1.  What do you like about the fall and
                        the spring? Why?
                    2.  Do you like to have flowers in the

                        house? Do you bring flowers to
                        friends for Shabbat?
                    3.  Is it possible to know a lot about
                        the world? What do you want to
                        know about?

                    4.  When are you happiest – in the
                        spring, summer, winter or fall?
                    5.  Do you think spring is
                        a time of new

                        beginnings? What do
                        you want to change in
                        the next new

               Your answers:






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