Page 47 - IDF eCur IL-Unit-10 english 121219
P. 47


                                                        IL, Unit 10

               Listen to the vocabulary audio track, filling the Hebrew

                                                                      "טָּב ְש ִב וּ"ט ר ֶד ֵס"ְל רוֹק ָּמ

                       Kabbalists                                                                    1 .

                       to lead, to institute                                                         2 .

                       led, instituted (m. pl.)

                       seder, order                                                                  3 .

                       the night of.. (a date in the Jewish                                          4 .

                       like, similar                                                                 5 .

                       to determine                                                                  6 .

                       determined (m. pl.)

                       to bless                                                                      7 .
                       Dvar Torah, biblical discourse,                                               8 .

                       biblical exegesis

                       to aim, concentrate on                                                        9 .

                       to repair, correct, amend                                                   . 10

                       sin                                                                         . 11

                       to sin, sinned (m. sg.)                                                     . 12
                       tree (here - the "Daat" tree from                                           . 13


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