Page 6 - IDF eCur IL-Unit-10 english 121219
P. 6


                                                        IL, Unit 10

                                              םילימ רצוא לוגרתל      תולאש

               Please translate the following questions into Hebrew and answer those in writing.

               It's best to practice asking the questions in Hebrew while reading them silently

               in English.

                                    English                                      Hebrew
                    1.  Which do you like better: the
                        summer or the winter? Why?

                    2.  Is it hot in the summer where you
                        live? What do you do when it's
                        very hot?

                    3.  Do you usually believe
                        weathermen? Do they know what
                        they are talking about?
                    4.  As a child, when it snowed, did you
                        like to play in the snow? Did you

                        build a snowman?
                    5.  Which summer fruits do
                        you like? Do you like
                        watermelon with feta


               Your answers:






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