Page 73 - Pilpelim Tzehubim 050218 HTML5
P. 73
73 Track 18
Vocabulary –1 אֹוצר ִמ ִלים ֵח ֶלק
Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary
list below.
English ִע ְב ִרית
toy צעצוע
to push, to press )ללחוץ (פעל
(music) to play )לנגן (פיעל
to leave )לעזוב (פעל
mature מבוגר
domineering שתלטן
to join
friend, comrade, buddy )להצטרף (התפעל
to imagine רעה, ֵרע
meaningful, significant
)לדמיין (פיעל
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