Page 13 - Workbook-Novice-High-Unit1-RB-V2491-140716-HTML5
P. 13
29 NH, Track 6
Novice-High, Unit 1
Now, check yourself
It's good ?טֹוב?
It's easy ?ַקל?
It's hard ?ָקׁ ֶשה?
It's possible ?ֶא ְפׁ ָשר?
It's impossible ?ִאי ֶא ְפׁ ָשר?
It's worthwhile ?ְכ ַדאי?
It's not worthwhile ?לא ְכ ַדאי?
It's fun ?ֵכיף?
Exercise: write your own questions or sentences using helping adverbs.
Examples: .?ַקל ְל ַד ֵּבר ִע ְב ִרית?
.?ְכ ַדאי ְל ַד ֵּבר ִע ְב ִרית ְב ִי ְש ָּר ֵּאל?
It's easy to speak Hebrew.
It's worthwhile to speak Hebrew in Israel. .?ֵכיף ֶל ֱאכֹול ְג ִלי ָּדה?
It's fun to eat ice cream. .?ָקׁ ֶשה ִל ְלמֹוד ִסי ִנית?
It's hard to learn Chinese.
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