Page 13 - IDF eCur NM unit 7 english 041119
P. 13


                                                      NM Unit 7


                                       םילימ רצוא      -     רזגו הנופא  :ריש

                Listen to the vocabulary audio track, and fill
                in the Hebrew translation of each word.

                               English                                         תי ִר ְב ִע

                peas                                                                             1 .

                carrot                                                                           2 .

                refrigerator, fridge                                                             3 .

                sweet potato                                                                     4 .

                to whine (slang)                                                                 5 .

                to turn on                                                                       6 .

                turn on! (m. sg.), turns on (m. sg.)

                light, lamp                                                                      7 .

                wall                                                                             8 .

                dark as in Egypt                                                                 9 .

                flowerbed                                                                      . 10

                village                                                                        . 11

                to shine                                                                       . 12

                will shine (f. sg.)

                to freeze                                                                      . 13

                manure (also: garbage)                                                         . 14

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                                   RA IDF  םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה ,שומיש לכ ..  רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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