Page 42 - IDF eCur NM unit 7 english 041119
P. 42


                                                      NM Unit 7

                                                 Fruits  תוֹרֵפּ –

            We have learned names of so many fruits by now. Let’s now
            summarize our knowledge.
            Fill out the summary chart below and check your answers on the

            following page.

                   English                      Hebrew (plural)                  Hebrew (single)

                 fruit                                                                          1 .

                 apple                                                                          2 .

                 orange                                                                         3 .
                 pear                                                                           4 .

                 watermelon                                                                     5 .
                 melon                                                                          6 .

                 peach                                                                          7 .

                 grape                                                                          8 .
                 apricot                                                                        9 .

                 plum                                                                         . 10

                 fig                                                                          . 11
                 tangerine                                                                    . 12

                 strawberry                                                                   . 13

                 pineapple                                                                    . 14
                 persimmon                                                                    . 15

                 kiwi                                                                         . 16

                 guava                                                                        . 17
                 palm, date                                                                   . 18

                 prickly pear cactus                                                          . 19

                 grapefruit                                                                   . 20
                 banana                                                                       . 21

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                                   RA IDF  םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה ,שומיש לכ ..  רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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