Page 32 - NL-2020-unit 3_Neat-HTML5
P. 32

Novice - Low              32      Unit 3

                                    QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

                                   Questions we are able to ask now:

          English                                                                                         תי ִר ְב ִע

          Are you (m) sad?                                                                          ?בוּצָע ה ָת ַא

          Are you (f) sad sometimes?                                                    ?    םי ִמָעפִל   ְ  הָבוּצֲע   ְת ַא

          Are you (f) happy?                                                                        ?ה ָח ֵמ ְש  ְת ַא

          Are you (m) always happy?                                                         ? ַח ֵמ ָש  די ִמ ָת  ה ָת ַא

          Who is always happy (m)?                                                            ?     ַ ח ֵמ ָש די ִמ ָת י ִמ

          Is a Labrador sad (m) sometimes?                                           ?    םי ִמָע ְפִל בוּצָע רוֹד ַר ְבַּל

          Do you (m) like math?                                                     ?    ה ָקי ִט ָמ ֶתמ   ָ  ב ֵהוֹא ה ָת ַא

          Do you (f) like beer?                                                            ?    ה ָרי ִבּ תֶב ֶהוֹא  ְת ַא

          Do you (m) like pizza?                                                           ?    הָצי ִפ ב ֵהוֹא ה ָת ַא

          Do you (f) like espresso sometimes?                               ?    םי ִמָע ְפִל וֹס ֶר ְפ ְס ֶא תֶב ֶהוֹא  ְת ַא

          Who likes (m) politics?                                                       ?    ה ָקי ִטיִלוֹפ ב ֵהוֹא י ִמ

          What do you (f) always like?                                               ?    תֶב ֶהוֹא די ִמ ָת  ְת ַא ה ָמ

                        To practice your vocabulary, it is important that you find an opportunity
                        to ask the above questions as many people as possible.

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