Page 44 - Workbook-Intermediate-High gimmel dalet (13-01-16)
P. 44
Exercise: Act out the text in Hebrew while looking at the
English text.
The Genius
In my class there were two math geniuses: Alon and Amitai. In
sixth grade they already learned high school material, and when
we were in high school, they learned math in university. Alon
was my friend and Amitai was not, because Alon was modest
and friendly, and Amitai was – in my opinion – a arrogant,
condescending, and a bit colder. These are the two types of
geniuses. The common thread between the two of them was that
they were both "geeks" – they liked to play Dungeons and
Dragons, were familiar with computers, and their jokes were
strange – only they and their friends understood them.
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