Page 4 - verbs-infinitives-phonetics-FP_Neat
P. 4
Shalom from Yoel and Orly, the developers of a
unique language learning methodology RLA (Rapid
Language Acquisition) and founders of Ulpan-Or,
where students learn Hebrew at the speed of light.
Dear student,
This verb book is the result of many years of research. It has been developed
with the aim of helping people overcome their fear of Hebrew grammar.
We simplified the way of teaching Hebrew verb structure that lets you enjoy
the beauty and the intrinsic musical qualities of Hebrew grammar.
Please note that this study kit exists in a multimedia interactive eBook
version, in which all audio and video files are presented in order to provide a
much richer experience for our students.
The eBook version is available on our online store.
We continuously update and improve our existing study materials and
continue creating new materials for all levels.
To find out more, please visit our site:
Contact us for additional information at:
With best wishes,
Orly & Yoel