Page 162 - E-book Songs-with heart-2011-RD5_Neat (05-12-16)
P. 162

CD2: track 9                     160

              ‫ אוצר מילים‬- ‫אהבה קצרה‬

to try, trying (f. sg.)                   ֹ‫ֹמנסה‬,)‫לנסותֹ(פיעל‬
I don't care                                       ‫לאֹאכפתֹלי‬
late                                                    ‫מאוחר‬
look(s)                                           ‫ֹמבטים‬,‫מבט‬
stranger(s)                                            ‫ֹזרים‬,‫זר‬
to offer
offered (f. sg.)                              ֹ )‫להציעֹ(הפעיל‬
light(s)                                                 ֹ‫הצעת‬
to leave, leaving (m. pl.)
wind                                               ‫ֹאורות‬,‫אור‬
avenue                                    ֹ‫ֹעוזבים‬,)‫לעזובֹ(פעל‬
to be by one's side, by my side
to pass, will pass (m. sg.)                                 ‫רוח‬
touch                                                    ‫שדרה‬
hope                                                ‫ֹלצידי‬,‫לצד‬
path, my path, our path                    ֹ‫ֹיעבור‬,)‫לעבורֹ(פעל‬
another                                                   ‫נגיעה‬
to burn, burned (f. sg.)                                 ‫תקווה‬
to be extinguished                           ‫ֹדרכינו‬,‫ֹדרכי‬,‫דרך‬
was extinguished (f. sg.)                                  ‫נוסף‬
pain                                        ‫ֹבערה‬,)‫לבעורֹ(פעל‬
tear(s)                                          ֹ )‫לכּבותֹ(פעל‬
to separate, are separating (f. pl.)                     ֹ‫כבתה‬
cycle                                                      ‫כאב‬
trapped                                          ‫ֹדמעות‬,‫דמעה‬
to dance, dances (m. sg.)              ֹ‫ֹנפרדות‬,)‫להיפרדֹ(נפעל‬
a dance
beginning                                                   ‫שוב‬
to be opened, will be opened (f. sg.)                     ‫מעגל‬
where                                                      ‫לכוד‬
                                          ֹ ֹ‫ֹרוקד‬,)‫לרקודֹ(פעל‬



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