Page 51 - IH-Unit-10-RA-FP_Neat 031218
P. 51
י ֵרֲח ַא / יֵנ ְפִל
"Before" - ינפל - and "After" - ירחא - These two words are
conjugated in a manner similar to prepositions.
יֵנ ְפִל
before – ינפל General Pronoun
(when combined - turns into structure
before me יַנָפְל יַ יִנֲא
before you (m) ךָיֶנָפְל ךָ ה ָ ת ַא
before you (f) ךְיִיַנָפְל ךְי ְ ת ַא
before him ויָנָפְל ו אוּה
before her ָהיֶנָפְל ָה אי ִה
before us וּניֵנָפְל וּנ וּנ ָא
before you (plural, m) םֶכיֵנ ְפִל םֶכ ם ֶת ַא
before you (plural, f ) ןֶכיֵנ ְפִל ןֶכ ן ֶת ַא *
before them (m) םֶהיֵנ ְפִל םה ֶ םֵה
before them (f) ןֶהיֵנ ְפִל ֶה ן ֵה ן *
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