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                   Trip to IDF Museum

                   Welcome to IDF Museum!
                   In 1959 Ben-Gurion requested to gather all the weapons that are
                   not used by the IDF anymore, among them those from the different
                   wars of Israel, to one place. The weapons were placed in the old

                   warehouses of the train station towards which we are walking.
                   Until the year of 1988, the weapons lay in the warehouses, and on
                   the 40  birthday of the state of Israel it was decided to display them
                   in an exhibition. The exhibition turned out to be very popular and

                   attracted a big amount of visitors. In fact, the exhibition was so
                   popular that it was decided to establish at the place a permanent
                   museum that operates until this day.

                   There  are  various  displays  in  the  museum  that  include  IDF
                   equipment from all periods – weapons, uniforms, beds, kitchens,
                   and even collections of gifts that the different defense ministers
                   and chiefs of general staff received throughout the years. Besides
                   the historical items are found also items that serve the IDF until

                   this day  – for  example the Tavor,  a personal  weapon  which is
                   displayed in different models, and modern (weapon) sights and
                   novel  communication  devices,  all  developed  just  lately.

                   Additionally, an abundance of "souvenirs" from the IDF's latest
                   operations and wars are displayed – big shrapnel that landed in the
                   museum's area during operation "Tzuk Eitan" and duds of Qassam
                   and Katyusha missiles. The museum became a nostalgic site for

                   many Israelis, and therefore attracts a diverse audience of groups,
                   soldiers and civilians from all over the world. Maybe you would
                   be happy to know that new immigrants can enter the museum for

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