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The Vehicle Pavilion (18)
In the vehicle pavilion it's possible to find many types of vehicles, and to
some of them (there is) a very special history. The vehicles are not
necessarily beautiful and shiny, but they all have an important role in the
history of Israel.
Motta Gur's half-track for example, is a unique vehicle – don't expect to see
a beautiful or a very fast vehicle, but definitely expect a strong vehicle that
can get very far. In this vehicle Motta Gur, the commander of the paratroops
who fought in Jerusalem in the Six Day War, rode. When (he) arrived at the
entrance to the city he was so excited and yelled to his driver "go Ben Tzur,
go!". Until this day there's no Israeli that doesn't know this sentence. The
half-track is an American vehicle that was used by the IDF many years, until
(it) was replaced by the M-113, also an American (vehicle).
It's important to mention that Motta Gur was not only a warrior and Israel's
tenth Chief of Staff, but also a politician, a minister in the government, and
a writer. One of his famous books is "Azit the Paratrooper Dog", which in
the course of time also turned into a movie. It's possible to see in the
pavilion special, beautiful, strong and mostly armored vehicles that were
used by former prime ministers, like David Ben Gurion's limousine and the
vehicle of Yitzhak Rabin, of blessed memory.
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