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                   The Military Kitchen

                   Napoleon said that the army marches on its stomach, and he was

                   Part of the army service includes arriving to places in which it's
                   not possible to get food from the outer world, like field weeks in
                   the north and in the south, and bases that are far from the city and

                   the village, in which it's not even possible to order food. In order
                   to  give  the  soldiers  a  solution,  (people)  invented  the  portable
                   military kitchen.
                   It's possible to attach the kitchen to a jeep and in this manner reach
                   every destination, and make sure that our dear soldiers will not be

                   left  hungry  even  in  field  weeks  in  the  desert.  The  kitchen  is
                   accessorized  with  an  abundance  of  utensils,  pots  and  storage
                   places, and there's even a special shelf for bread.

                   After the meal, just like in life, (one) needs to nap, and all that's
                   missing is a sleeping bag, a blanket or maybe also a bed, if you're
                   serving in the right base.
                   In the next pavilion (pavilion number 2) it's possible to find all of

                   the IDF sleeping equipment, you (pl.) won't believe how much
                   equipment there is of that sort. In this pavilion you understand
                   how big of an organization the IDF is, that needs to supply its

                   soldiers with much beyond weapons and war. The IDF supplies
                   uniforms, shoes, food, and also offices. It's possible to see here
                   also special equipment that very few soldiers in the IDF use: ski
                   equipment! Of course this equipment is intended for soldiers in
                   Mount Hermon. It's interesting to see that the color of the alpinists'

                   uniform is not green but white, because usually soldiers prefer not
                   to be seen.

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