Page 5 - Workbook- Lea-Goldberg-part 1-V24101
P. 5

                                                Lea Goldberg

              A Biography of Leah Goldberg

Leah Goldberg is one of the most important Israeli creators (artists) of
the 20th century. Her poems and stories are a foundation stone in
Israeli culture. Leah, like many creators of her time, wrote, spoke and
taught only in Hebrew. Her Hebrew was beautiful and rich.
Leah Goldberg was born in 1911 in Königsberg, Germany. During
World War I, her family escaped to Russia. After the war, Leah
studied philosophy and Semitic languages at the universities in Kovna,
Berlin and Bonn. When she finished (her) studies, she returned to
Lithuania, and there she taught literature in the Hebrew Gymnasium.
She moved to Israel on her own in 1935. At the age of 24 she already
has a Ph.D. and she entered the “Yachdav” circle of writers, of which
Natan Alterman and Avraham Shlonsky were also members. In 1950,
Leah began working at the Hebrew University, received the title
‘professor’, and opened up the department of comparative literature.
Aside from her books for children and of poems, Leah wrote for many
newspapers, edited children’s books, children’s newspapers and more.
She won many awards, among them the Israel Prize for Literature.
Leah passed away in 1970 from lung cancer, and was buried in the
plot (reserved) for professors. Her mother passed away thirteen years
after her, and requested that they write just four words on her grave:
The mother of Leah Goldberg.

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