Page 7 - Workbook-IH-Unit-8--FP-R0_Neat 020918
P. 7


                                                             IH, Unit 8

                                            םילימ רצוא        –     תולבוקמ

              Exercise: Listen to the audio track, filling the Hebrew translation of
              each word.

                                 English                                       תירבע
               “the popular” [girls in class]
                (lit. the accepted)

               (slang) to call in
               (they) called me in for a shift

               charming (f. sg.)

               you don't have any idea

               weird (f. sg.)

               to change,
               change (m. pl.)

               ugly (f. sg.)

               weird smell

               British nobility
               coal miner

               to give up

               rejected (m)
               rejected (f. pl)

               rejected girls

               your luck
               (slang) fixed, arranged, set (f. sg.)

               embarrassing (m)
               that's embarrassing

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                                       םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה.   , שומיש לכ  . רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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