Page 3 - Workbook-AL-Unit-2 021618
P. 3


                                             ףינה ררגה    :    םדקתמ טסקט

                                                 1     קלח    –    םילימ רצוא

                  towing vehicle

                  to lift high, he lifts, is lifted (m. sg.)


                  to nurse a baby, she nursed

                  young woman

                  back seat

                  her car had been lifted in the air


                  to be shocked, was shocked (f. sg.)

                  to load, loaded (f. sg.)

                  in attempt

                  to tow away

                  to lift, they lift

                  to park, parked (f. sg.)

                  against the law

                  inside it

                  to hold, held (f. sg.)



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