Page 31 - IDF eCur NH unit 5 english 051119
P. 31
NH, Unit 5
Exercise: Listen to the vocabulary audio track, filling the Hebrew
translation of each word.
םילימ רצוא
English תי ִר ְב ִע
cannon shell 1 .
grenade (and also: 2 .
ready 3 .
light 4 .
to rise, rises (m. sg.) 5 .
east 6 .
to arrive, arrived (m. sg.) 7 .
to overcome, we will overcome 8 .
horror 9 .
to buy, we will buy . 10
instead of . 11
war . 12
to block, blocked (f. sg.) . 13
sand . 14
helmet . 15
to want, wanted (f. sg.) . 16
my soul . 17
forever . 18
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