Page 75 - IL-Unit 3-RD3-V23101-080716
P. 75

Act Out                     75

         Intermediate-Low, Unit 3

Exercise: Act out the text in Hebrew while looking at the English text

Yossi Banai’s House

Yossi was born in Grandpa Eliyahu’s house.

When Yossi was two years old, the family moved to the marketplace.
They lived on 1 HaAgas Street. In recent years, [they] honored the
Banai family and called the street “Eliyahu Yaakov Banai Street”,
after Gradnpa Eliyahu. Today there is a restaurant there, and next to
the restaurant one can see the door to their house. Their house was so
small that Yossi said, “it’s very crowded in the house – the people
even enter each other’s dreams.” When Yossi visited Jerusalem he
loved go to the Azura juice store, speak to Azura and drink lemonade
in the flavor of flowers.

He also loved going to the Azura restaurant and seeing what is in the
pots. The food at the restaurant reminded him of his mother’s food.

Yossi said that many Yerushalmim who return home from work go to
the marketplace, but when he goes to the marketplace he comes home.

In the Banai family there are many musician children and
grandchildren. The musician Ehud Banai, Yossi’s nephew, wrote a
song about his memories from Grandpa Meir and Grandma Bechora’s
house: 1 HaAgas Street.

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