Page 6 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (16-01-18) Low Inter Level
P. 6
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #1 (Low-Intermediate Level)
Is the Market Open on Shabbat?
The new Markets Bill talks about whether (you) can open stores on
Shabbat or not. The bill doesn’t close stores that work on Shabbat today,
but does say that if a city wants to open more stores on Shabbat, it can’t
decide this alone and has to get a special permit. So what does this do to
the status-quo? The ultra-orthodox think that there’s no drama to this bill,
because the stores stay open, but the seculars say that every city needs to
decide on its own whether it wants to open stores on Shabbat or not,
without getting a special permit.
Page 6 - Edition 01-16-18
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