Page 21 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (07.11.17) High Inter Level
P. 21
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #4 (Advanced Level)
Tastier with Tapuchips
I opened a bag of Tapuchips, what a world was unveiled before me!
Friends, acquaintances, tasting, laughing, having fun. Snacking Tapuchips
in the country, in the desert, taking a selfie, setting sun at sunrise on a
mountain face. A hundred and sixty thousand Likes. A Swedish producer
saw me, cast me for the children’s production “Svedrik and the snack
cave”. All of Sweden was crazed, “Svedrik! Svedrik!” boom! I became a
shooting star.
Bam! The bag ran out, the fans caought me, looked for Tapuchips in (my)
pockets, the children cried, the producers saw (it), shows were cancelled,
checks bounced, assets were repossessed, (they) closed my taps, today
(I’m) selling fake watches in Sweden. Conclusion: Tapuchips, when it’s
over, it’s over. Tastier with Tapuchips.
Page 21 - Edition Edition 11-07-17
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